Freitag, 5. Oktober 2012

Studying can damage your health

Why bother with machines when you can just hang your washing out of the window?

Studying can seriously damage your health. No wonder the Germans call one of the most unappetising snacks in the shops "Studentenfutter" (student grub). It's a bag of crumbled up nuts and a few old raisins.

Hardest thing about being a student isn't the homework, but the housework - cooking, washing and ironing. Students cook little and wash even less. As for ironing - that's for mums, right? Still, a
recent Sainsbury's survey on British students (Daily Mail), is unfair and misleading. It not only ignores that students lead totally different lifestyles than the rest of the human race, it also fails to praise what they CAN do.

Instead of criticizing one in three students for being unable to even boil an egg we should celebrate the two-thirds who CAN. Presumably they boil the egg long enough so that the yolk doesn’t splatter all over their lecture notes.

The report also says one-fifth can barely make toast for breakfast. But the other four-fifths don’t get up for breakfast at all. Just as well that lectures at British universities rarely start before 10 o’clock.

As for being unable to make a pot of tea, it’s no secret that Brits simply pour milk into a cup, throw a tea bag in and pour hot water over it all. Tea pots, it seems, are for wimps.

If it's true that 50 per cent of students can't use a tumble dryer then the other half must spend their time and money not in the bar but in the launderette. Watching the tumbler go round and round, just like in that hilarious episode with Mr. Bean.

Every student knows this is nonsense. In summer you hang your washing out of the window, in winter you wrap it over the radiator. Time and money saved is spent in the bar, of course.